Sinan Scheck 👋🏻
Software Engineer & Data Enthusiast
I'm a passionate Developer with focus on Data Science 📈 and AI ✨ based solutions living in Kiel, Germany

Tech Stack

Member Management System
Agile test-driven development
of the MMS for a Kiel sports club
for tracking the member-check-ins
and managing member data through
authentication and authorization
of user profiles
clarifydata GmbH

Agile GitHub-versioned Python
development and testing
of data-based algorithms and implementation
of Data-Chunking algorithms
to stabilize Legacy APIs.
Locale Finance-Web-App
Local user-friendly finance app for tracking
of income and expenses including visualization
and interpretation as well as
expense optimization through
implemented generative artificial intelligence
Autonomous Door with Raspberry Pi
Self-explanatory user-friendly 3D UI including
physical autonomous door
developed with Raspberry Pi
with integration of actuators and sensors